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Great British Teas

What is the difference between black tea and green tea? What is white tea It is probably not what you think!
Scroll down the page for the answer

One of Britain's finest: PG Tips
80 teabags for only $7.99

The world famous "Yorkshire Gold"
tea from Taylor's in Harrogate, Yorkshire
80 very fine teabags for $12.95

Scottish Blend - specially blended for the
Scottish taste. $7.95 for 80 teabags

Nambarrie tea from Northern Ireland
80 teabags for $7.95

Barry's Tea - a good strong brew from the
Republic of Ireland. 80 teabags for $5.49

Bewley's Irish Breakfast tea. Get the day off to
a good start with a taste of Ireland.
80 teabags for $7.99

What is the Difference Between Black Tea and Green Tea?
Black teas are the most common type and are prepared by "fermenting" (actually, oxidizing) dried tea leaves in hot air. Green teas are prepared from the same plant without fermentation and are reported to have additional health benefits.

What is White Tea?
White tea comes from the same plant as black and green teas but is prepared differently. White tea is prepared by fast-drying unfermented tea leaves that are shaded to prevent chlorophyll forming during growth. White tea is most popular in China.


  1. Have you considered carrying Bewley's Irish Afternoon tea? I bought a tin of it at Bewley's in Dublin about 10 years ago, and while I'm a fan of many British teas, Bewley's Afternoon is my all-time favourite black tea.

  2. We carry Bewley's Irish Breakfast tea. I will check into whether the afternoon tea is available. If it is I will get some and post the information in Blighty's newsletter (

  3. so I was trying to purchase Nambarrie tea, but the link didn't work... whats up with that?

  4. Thanks for reporting the broken link for Nambarrie tea. It should be working fine now.
